We are starting the 9th pilgrimage!
You are cordially invited to attend the 9th Interstate Bicycle Pilgrimage "Faithful in Faith on a Bike" to American Czestochowa. This year's pilgrimage will take place on July 15-21, 2024. We will start from Boston MA, we will cross 5 states in 7 days, the route will be 350 miles (560 km). As every year, you can choose the starting point depending on your own abilities. We are pleased to invite not only the previous year pilgrims, but we would like to extend the invite and encourage new ones. We are calling all prayer warriors! We ARE sincerely asking for the prayers in the intention of fruitful and safe pilgrimage, so that everything and everyone we meet on the way will be open to our presence and our prayers. Please pray with us as we ask God for the grace that every person who encounter our pilgrimage will awaken faith, experience healing, and give witness.
We invite all bicycle owners who are willing to take part in the pilgrimage. Grab your bike and go on an epic adventure that will lead you closer to God and leave you with a lifetime of memories. Everyone can choose where they want to set off and how many days they want to go. During the pilgrimage, we spend the night on the premises of Polish organizations or churches, where we have access to showers and bathrooms. As the accommodation is provided, each participant must have a sleeping bag and a sleeping mat. You can arrive at the meeting point a day earlier; accommodation is provided for people who are unable to reach the meeting point in the morning. During the day we will receive breakfast, lunch, dinner, also cold and hot drinks. It is mandatory for everyone to ride in a bicycle helmet and have a spare inner tube for their bike. Each participant of the pilgrimage takes full responsibility for himself by signing the waiver on the starting day.
Electric bicycles are NOT ALLOWED !!!
Each participant is allowed for one check in baggage, as we have one van following us through the entire route. You can also take a hand luggage that you would carry with you at all times. Hand luggage must be small (backpack or bicycle bag) in which you should have a raincoat, a spare inner tube and things needed for the road. The main luggage should include a sleeping bag, a sleeping mat and a change of clothes (limited to a minimum), toiletries. Please do not take things "that may be useful", we do not take large luggage!! We will be accompanied throughout the pilgrimage by a car, which will be there to help us if necessary. We are looking for volunteers who would like to help and declare to go in private cars with bicycle racks attached. Pick-up trucks and vans are welcome.
Each participant on the day of the pilgrimage (July 14, 2024) must be at least 18 years old!!! You are responsible for your own return back home from the final destination of American Czestochowa.
We are ALWAYS looking for volunteers who are willing to help during the pilgrimage.